Accounting Localization In Odoo


When installing the accounting module, the localization module corresponding to the country code of the company is installed automatically.In case of no country code set or no localization module found, the l10n_generic_coa (US) localization module is installed by default.


This behavior is allowed by the presence of a .xml file containing the following code:

<function model="account.chart.template" name="try_loading_for_current_company">
   <value eval="[ref(module.template_xmlid)]"/>

Here  module.template_xmlid is the fully-qualified xmlid of the corresponding template.

Adding a new fiscal position In Chart of Accounts:

*: To create a new fiscal position, simply use the  account.fiscal.position.template model:

*: In xml you need to add like this:


<record id="..." model="account.fiscal.position.template">
    <field name="name">...</field>
    <field name="chart_template_id" ref="..."/>
    <field name="note">...</field>

Here you can add your own <record_id>,<name>,you can mension anything.
<ref_id you can mension form external_id and <note> you can give anything

*: Then you can add it in file

Adding a new tax to my Chart of Accounts

To create a new tax record, you just need to follow the same process as the creation of accounts. The only difference being that you must use the model.

*: In xml you need to add like this:

<record id=" " model="">
    <field name=" " ref=" "/>
    <field name="name">  </field>
    <field name="description"> </field>
    <field name="amount">1.00</field>
    <field name="sequence" eval="1"/>
    <field name="amount_type">group</field>
    <field name="type_tax_use">sale</field>
    <field name="children_tax_ids" eval="[(6, 0, [ref('vp_leas_sale_1'), ref('vp_leas_sale_2')])]"/>
    <field name="tag_ids" eval="[(6,0,[ref('l10n_pl.tag_pl_21')])]"/>
    <field name="tax_group_id" ref="tax_group_vat_23"/>

Here you can change record_id , name,ref_id,description,amount,

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