Building new website in odoo14

  1. We can create a simple Website  in odoo 

Now  you need to create a new database including demostration data.Then you have to write the code for creating website,

Step 1:

Add a controller and ensure it is imported by file. (Controllers interpret browser requests and send data back.)

eg: from odoo import http

        class Academy(http.Controller):

                 @http.route(‘/send/mail’, auth=‘public’)

                 def send_mail(self, **kw):

                return “Hello, world”

Now  open a page to http://Localhost:8069/send/mail you should see your “page” appear:


Step 2:

Create a template and ensure the template file is registered in the manifest, and alter the controller to use our template:

eg:class Academy(http.Controller):

          @http.route(‘/send/mail’, auth=‘public’)

          def send_mail(self, **kw):

         return http.request.render(‘academy.send_mail’, {

         ‘teachers’: [“Diana Padilla”, “Jody Caroll”, “Lester Vaughn”], })

Step 3:

Create corresponding xml

eg: <odoo>

     <template id=“index”>


      <t t-foreach=“teachers” t-as=“teacher”>

      <p><t t-esc=“teacher”/></p>




Here we use <t t-foreach> for  iteration. Now the result will be Like this:


Step 4:

You can Define the models in python file

eg: from odoo import models, fields, api

        class Teachers(models.Model):    

              _name = ‘academy.teachers’

               name = fields.Char()


Step 5:

Add the class name in security: ir.model.access.csv file also add the csv file in

Step 6:

Add Corresponding xml file

eg:  <odoo>
                  <record id=“padilla” model=“academy.teachers”>

                <field name=“name”>Diana Padilla</field>  


              <record id=“carroll” model=“academy.teachers”>  

              <field name=“name”>Jody Carroll</field>


             <record id=“vaughn” model=“academy.teachers”>

             <field name=“name”>Lester Vaughn</field>



do not forget to add manifest file.


Step 7:

Accessing Data

In we need to add this code

class Academy(http.Controller):

     @http.route('/send/mail', auth='public')
     def send_mail(self, **kw):
         Teachers = http.request.env['academy.teachers']
         return http.request.render('academy.send_mail', {
Here we need to fetch the records from the database instead of having a static list

Because search() returns a set of records matching the filter (“all records” here), alter the template to print each teacher’s name

Add this code into last we created xml file



    <template id="index">
         <t t-foreach="teachers" t-as="teacher">
             <p><t t-esc=""/> <t t-esc=""/></p>


  1. first, add website as a dependency to send_mail
  2. then add the website=True flag on the controller, this sets up a few new variables on the request object and allows using the website layout in our template
  3. use the website layout in the template

Then you can run your module:


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