Interact With Other Modules

Interact With Other Modules in odoo 14 We used inheritance to modify the behavior of a module. In our sales we would like to go a step further and be able to generate invoices for…

Translating Module

Exporting translatable term Translations export is performed via the administration interface by logging into the backend interface and opening Settings ‣ Translations ‣ Import / Export ‣ Export Translations   A number of terms in your…

Function Overriding in odoo 14

FUNCTION OVERRIDING IN ODOO 14 When it redefines a function of the base class in a derived class with the same signature i.e., name, return type, and parameter but with a different definition, it is…

Building new website in odoo14

We can create a simple Website  in odoo  Now  you need to create a new database including demostration data.Then you have to write the code for creating website, Step 1: Add a controller and ensure…

Accounting Localization In Odoo

ACCOUNTING LOCALIZATION When installing the accounting module, the localization module corresponding to the country code of the company is installed automatically.In case of no country code set or no localization module found, the l10n_generic_coa (US) localization module is installed…

Multi Company Guidelines in odoo

MULTI COMPANY IN ODOO  A user can be logged in multiple companies at once. This allows the user to access information from multiple companies but also to create/edit records in a multi-company environment. If not…

Constraints in odoo 14

CONSTRAINTS IN ODOO As we know that Odoo allows you to define constraints on the field(s). Constraints gives you control over the data as you wish. If a user attempts to store data in a field…

How To Pass Data From One Form To Another In Odoo14

PASSING DATAS FROM ONE FORM TO ANOTHER IN ODOO Here we want to pass datas from sale order to our new form name new data passing Then you can create one new class in model…

How to pass datas to One2many fields in odoo 14

The One2many filed is used for making a field which contain many fields.This field consist of another models.For creating a One2many filed we have to define a new model(sub model).The main model’s One2many field is…

Status Bar In Odoo 14

STATUS BAR IN ODOO A status bar is a horizontal window at the bottom of a parent window in which an application can display various kinds of status information. The status bar can be divided into…