Status Bar In Odoo 14

STATUS BAR IN ODOO A status bar is a horizontal window at the bottom of a parent window in which an application can display various kinds of status information. The status bar can be divided into…

Smart Button In Odoo

SMART BUTTON IN ODOO  In Odoo  Smart buttons allow you to see all the related records in the form view. We can also add a counter to count the number of records present in it.…

How to create a Wizard in odoo14

CREATING WIZARDS IN ODOO 14 Wizards are used to having interactive sessions with the dialogue boxes in Odoo.Mainly wizard is available in Transient model. Transient models: It’s based on the model TransientModel class. Moreover, the…

Compute Method In Odoo

COMPUTE METHOD IN ODOO; Compute method  is used for making a field value as compute value .  First you need to write the fuction for compute field in python file eg: def  compute_total_estimate(self)   like this,…

Delegation Inheritance In Odoo 14

DELEGATION INHERITANCE In Odoo, we use ‘_inherits’ attribute for delegation inheritance. The purpose is for extending a model with your new model without affecting it’s views. So, the database tables will contain fields in your…

ORM methods in odoo

ORM Methods In Odoo: ORM means “Object Relational Mapping” this are the method used in odoo14 to control the database, without using sql codes. Types of orm method . 2.browse() 3.create() 4.update() SEARCH METHOD…

How To Add One More Page In Qweb Report

The reports are working with Report Actions and Report Templates. Additionally, the report templates are used in report actions. Moreover, a report action is triggered while printing a report that you can either call this…

Tally Integration In Odoo 14

Tally Integration Tally software has been designed to provide extensive integration capabilities that enable businesses to build cross-platform solutions without compromising data integrity and reliability. Odoo Tally Connector allows you to connect your Odoo with Tally.…

Classical Inheritance in odoo 14

Classical Inheritance In Odoo 14 When we use or inherit an old class or model, methods, properties, and views in the new class or model, it is known as Inheritance.When a class derives from another…

How To Create Accounting Purchase Bill Qweb report In Odoo14

How To Create Accounting Purchase Invoice in Odoo14   Purchase Receipts are not invoices but rather confirmations of received payments, such as a ticket or a receipt.This feature is meant to be used when you pay…